Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences

ISSN 2375-4214 (Print), 2375-4222 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jals

Role of Personal Variables in Personality Development of Adolescents from Disorganized Families
Savita, Krishna Duhan, Krishna Chaudhary

The present investigation was aimed at comparing the personality of adolescents on the basis of socio-economic variables. Multidimensional Assessment of Personality Series (MAP Series Form-T) form for Teens had been used for the said purpose. Test contained 20 dimensions and 7 items for each dimension to objectively assess the personality of adolescents. A list of adolescents of urban disorganized families was prepared from five randomly selected city schools of Hisar city. A sample of 45 urban respondents was randomly selected from the prepared list. Following the same procedure a sample of 45 rural adolescents was taken from the list of adolescents of rural disorganized families of purposively selected villages of Hisar-I block. Personality was compared against family’s monthly income, educational level of parents and caste of the respondents. The finding indicated significant differences in personality of adolescents on the basis of said variables; furthermore, there were significant differences between maturity, mental health, self control, self sufficiency and tension level of adolescents from different casts. Moreover adolescent’s on the basis of family income and parental education differed significantly on their boldness, guilt proneness, leadership, maturity, mental health, self control, self sufficiency and tension level.

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