Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences

ISSN 2375-4214 (Print), 2375-4222 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jals

About Two Basic Causes of Human Aging
MD René Faustino Espinosa Álvarez, PhD Jose de la Luz Montero Garcia

Two basic causes of human aging are revealed, based on the logic of knowledge and according to natural biological laws. The causes are atherosclerosis and the chemical no correspondence of the food consumed with the chemical composition of the cells. Although the most appropriate preventive-curative method to control atherosclerosis is explained, the same cannot be done to address the second cause, since for this to be possible it is essential to chemically measure the food consumed in correspondence with the chemical composition of the cells, something that has not been possible until now. On a scientific basis, data, first hand-information and practical knowledge about the causes of organ failure are provided and how to deal with them with promising results. This is the reason why only the two basic causes mentioned are addressed in this work, since the results presented here could even be applied to other mammals.

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