Quantitative Study for Classification of Geological Condition of Coal in Indonesian National Standard - Guidelines for Reporting Resources and Reserves of Coal (Sni) No. 5015 / 2011
Irfan Marwanza, Chairul Nas, Ahmad Helman Hamdani, Iyan Haryanto
The classification of resources and reserves of coal in Indonesia is based on the Indonesian National Standard
(SNI), which is published by the Agency National Standardization. SNI is an entitled Guideline for reporting
resources and reserves coal (SNI 5015 2011 years). The current classification of the geological conditions in the
SNI 5015 in 2011 is still a qualitative description, but in the future, the study of geological conditions of coal
classification should already be using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Therefore, the
determination of the input parameters of sedimentation, tectonics and coal quality should be planned for as many
as possible to get quantitative data rather than qualitative descriptions. The process of classifying geological
conditions will be largely determined by geological knowledge and methods of quantifying the spatial
relationship used in geostatistical approach. Merging the two of the above will provide a more acceptable in
terms of geological knowledge and in terms of geostatistical approach.
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